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Month: June 2007
Controller information updates
I have added some information on the kinetics secondary to my controller information pages. It is less than halfway done, but I thought getting the information out early would give others a chance to view and comment on what I’m working on writing.
I’ve made minor updates to the fire controller primary information as well as the radiation emission secondary information page in the past couple of days. Feel free to comment on the information and let me know if I’ve missed anything or need to clarify details.
Ninja Gaiden speed run
This is not my work by any means, but I just found these awesome speed runs of several versions of Ninja Gaiden (available below, as well). If you aren’t familiar with Ninja Gaiden, it’s a series of some of the harder games you play – probably something like a modern Ghost n’ Goblins. If you aren’t familiar with speed runs, well, you can see more examples all over the web.
[gamevideo 11798 Ninja Gaiden NES] Ninja Gaiden I (NES)